Razor Sharp Retrievers had a great weekend at Northeast.Congratulations Abby,Chloe, Chard, Cooper, Rebel, Susie, and Tricky they all earned MH passes. Birdie and Genny earned SH passes. Special congrats to Susie MH and Birdie SH they both earned their titles!!
Razor Sharp Retrievers is a located in Charlotte, TN. The Kennel is situated on a 300 acre farm. Razor Sharp Retrievers, family owned and operate, started for the love of dogs and the human animal bond allowing dogs to perform amazing feats while in competition or hunting.
Jody Ware
About This Blog
This blog was set up to share the latest news at Razor Sharp Retrievers and our expertise and tips on training dogs. Please contact us with any questions. We look forward to hearing from you.